MKVH (The Screenplay) is a book that documents the project MKVH (Milton Keynes Vertical Horizontal) a work concerned with our use of oil, transport infrastructure and global heating (called global warming in 2006) that took the form of a 39 hour coach trip around the road grid in Milton Keynes. In the social sculpture a group of 9 volunteers were driven around the grid until their coach ran out of diesel. The book includes transcripts of conversations that happened on the coach, drawings, diary entries, photos, news articles, a fictional soundtrack and GPS drawings of every shift. Each page of the book represents 15 minutes of journey time. MKVH (The Screenplay) was published by Milton Keynes Gallery and is distributed by Cornerhouse publications.
Related works: MKVH [Milton Keynes Vertical Horizontal], A to B in MK and The Festival of Curves Slopes and Detours